Final day of the trip. Got up in the Nehalem Bay State Park, ate, unhooked, and headed for the last, and longest leg, home.
Made it to Portland in the afternoon, driving through brutal traffic, where we stopped at a Denney's, and met up with Don, an old college buddy who I hadn't seen in years. This made it another high point in the trip, for me. Unfortunately, we didn't realize, until much later, that we missed the chance to take some pics of him.
Continuing on, we drove the remaining distance home, stopping only to have some ice cream at Nisqually Flats, as well as to give Angus a chance to stretch his little, short legs, and to make his bladder gladder. Not relishing the idea of driving through rush-hour traffic on I-5 in an RV, we left the freeway just before getting to Tacoma, taking Highway 18 up to Fall City, and going the "back way" home, through Monroe. This maneuver eliminated Tacoma, Seattle, and Everett. Got home in the dark.
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