Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day Seven (9/21/2010)

How's this for scenery?

Awoke in the Bullards Beach State Campground, had breakfast, then, since we were only about sixty miles from the Oregon-California border, we headed for the Golden State, hoping to get a look at the fabled giant coastal redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens).  Traveling only about five or six miles, we needed to get some gas, so we stopped and did so, also buying a few quarts of oil.  Here's an absolutely stunning shot of me, checking the oil.  Try not to get too excited (this is the kind of human interest stuff that could go viral, if placed on YouTube):

One old dipstick, checking another old dipstick

The bottom of the driver-side mirror assembly had become detached from the door, when one of the sheetmetal screws vibrated loose, so we headed for an Ace Hardware store, in search of a new one.  After pounding the door metal flat and attempting several different sizes of screws, it became apparent that a whole different approach was going to be necessary, if the mirror was again to be attached solidly to the door.  There was a NAPA auto parts store directly across the street, so we drove over there, and after a lot of help from one of the guys in the store, we got the mirror reattached, and were soon back on the road again, as Willie Nelson would say. 
Struggling with the mirror

However, this all took way too much time, and, as previously stated, we had only gotten about six miles from our morning start.  Oh well, at least we had gas (the RV, that is), oil, a firmly-attached mirror, and were now ready for a new start on life.

Continued on to the Harris Beach State Campground, arriving at 3:40, where we stayed for the night. 

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